Roly's Life

By Roly


No, not really. As I arrived at school to collect Bella and Ally, the bell went... and went... and went! The children all traipsed out into their lines with their teachers while the admin staff chased around with registers and parents looked on bemused. Then the fire engine arrived.

You can imagine my delight as Ally's teacher approached me with that look on his face. Soon after, Ally disappeared with the Headteacher, with whom I am on first name terms already... So that hasn't done a great deal to help with our integration in the playground!

So after all the excitement we continued with my pre-planned plan. We drove to Castle Beach, had a drink and a cookie before heading off to nail some Geocaches. We found one but then had to call off the search for our second as Bella needed a wee - apparently, someone set off the fire alarm just as school was ending...

here are the photos I might have blipped if Ally didn't insist on filling my life with excitement!

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