Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia

Tailor's shop

These are some of the nicest people I know! A group of youngsters recently opened up this tailor's shop just before you cross the bridge in the town I am living in. They have a good range of fabrics and most importantly quite a few are plainish cotton. This is unusual here as most Cambodian men and women like very bright, multi coloured ,shiny, sparkly clothes made in anything but cotton.I go past this shop 4 times most days. Every time I go past they all call out hello and wave. They are always smiling. The hardest thing is persuading them to take any money for work that they do. I have had ridiculous situations pushing money across their counter only to have it pushed back again. Before now I have had to just put the money down and cycle off really quickly!!There are lots of these shops around Cambodia and it is easy to get lovely clothes made very cheaply. This one is definately my favourite though

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