Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia

Spirit Houses

These are spirit houses for sale. Almost every home, in Cambodia no matter how large or humble has at least 1 spirit house . They are usually situated close to the boundary of the property( I believe that they are supposed to be beyond the shadow of the house) and great care is taken of them. There are usually some food offerings on them and incense sticks are burnt on them most mornings and evenings. They are there to provide shelter and comfort to the spirits of deceased ancestors of the family. They come in many different sizes and colours. i'm not sure if having several spirit houses by your home indicates wealth or the loss of many relatives.In the village where I am living the shop next to the spirit house shop sells coffins and the shop next to that sells mattresses which somehow seems like a logical way of making sure you are comfy whilst passing from this life and well cared for when you reach the next!

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