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I have always taken photos - lots of photos. From disposable cameras to a Boots own brand film camera (bought proudly with my first lambing job wages as a student) to a succession of other, slightly more expensive, but basic film cameras.
In 2001, when we left Dumfriesshire to move to Aberdeenshir Read more...
I have always taken photos - lots of photos. From disposable cameras to a Boots own brand film camera (bought proudly with my first lambing job wages as a student) to a succession of other, slightly more expensive, but basic film cameras.
In 2001, when we left Dumfriesshire to move to Aberdeenshire with our two very young sons, hubby's leaving gift was a state-of-the-art new-fangled digital camera with a 1.1MP sensor!
He rarely takes photos that are not of wounds or infections, so I learned to use it.
An obsession was born.
By the time we had 3 children under the age of 4, my photo albums were filling rapidly. I still believe in prints. Back then, I had individual prints made. Now, I make photobooks.
I have so many memories in shoeboxes and albums. I run multiple external hard drives off my computer. I have backup DVDs...
The digital era has been a game changer, but can make things overwhelming. It's so easy to take multiple shots of the same thing. I can end a day with hundreds of shots.
Blipfoto helps reduce it all down to one image.
I take photos of anything.
I love landscape but don't have the time to pursue it much.
I love taking photos of my family at play. Due to the nature of my job, I am blessed to be able to photograph many wonderful animals. I very rarely appear in photos.
Blipping has made me look at things in a different way and has made me challenge myself photographically.
I worked my way from that wee 1.1MP Canon to using the Olympus OMD systems.
I used to be particular about always using "proper" camera shots but once I took the leap into sometimes using my phone camera photos, things opened up a bit more. The best camera is the one you have with you after all!
I hope you enjoy my journal.
Sep 3rd, 2012 Chasing the sky...
Sep 2nd, 2012 Wee Macs in training
Sep 1st, 2012 The Long and the Short of it?..
Aug 31st, 2012 Rabbie Burns and the Twa' Dugs
Aug 30th, 2012 The hypnosis of a waterfall
Aug 29th, 2012 Guess where I want go???
Aug 28th, 2012 Ruadh
Aug 27th, 2012 We are the music makers...
Aug 26th, 2012 Coming in to land?.