I recently bought my camera and would like to take authentic pictures of the world over.
I am from seattle and would like to show blip photo how seattle looks like from my camera.
I work with a software company now and I am just a learner in the field of photography, I know
that it will take a lot

I recently bought my camera and would like to take authentic pictures of the world over.
I am from seattle and would like to show blip photo how seattle looks like from my camera.
I work with a software company now and I am just a learner in the field of photography, I know
that it will take a lot of time and effort to get quality pictures, but hey, I never step back, life is all
about personal improvement, every day of our lives we improve ourselves and we need to get to the level of perfection where there is really none to achieve.Guess that level too is not achievable but ,what the heck, keep trying , right, its life after all.......

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