Many years ago, I was a better blipper than I am now. Now I have nearly as many gaps as I do entries and I feel I have lost my way a bit. i don't really do mobile communications so my window of opportunity to post and comment is limited to about an hour a day, in one solid chunk. i do Read more...
Many years ago, I was a better blipper than I am now. Now I have nearly as many gaps as I do entries and I feel I have lost my way a bit. i don't really do mobile communications so my window of opportunity to post and comment is limited to about an hour a day, in one solid chunk. i do take photos with my phone but i prefer the camera as it feels like it requires me to make a bit more of an effort, which suits me fine. Oh, and i back blip....a lot. A better blipper than me?....... I should hope so So I shall try again, a picture a day, a toe in the water, a,kind word here and there, who knows, Might be a bit of fun x