
Oh, you wanted to know more ?
Owwww...kay ^^'
I'm French, 22, and just graduated in journalism at the Sorbonne university, Paris.
Right now, well, I'm searching for a job ^_^
(which doesn't mean I don't do anything in life, though)

- As you may have noticed, Engli


Oh, you wanted to know more ?
Owwww...kay ^^'
I'm French, 22, and just graduated in journalism at the Sorbonne university, Paris.
Right now, well, I'm searching for a job ^_^
(which doesn't mean I don't do anything in life, though)

- As you may have noticed, English is not my native language. So if you find any grammar, spelling or whatever mistake in one of my texts, feel free to tell me ! I'll give you a candy :) -

(description en français à suivre quand j'aurai le courage, huhu)

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