- from Australia
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I owe my love of photography to my father Max. He was a keen photographer as a young boy back in the late 1930's/early 1940's. He used old Box Brownies, Brownies, and a 120 roll film Voightlander with a concertina fold out lens. &nbs Read more...
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I owe my love of photography to my father Max. He was a keen photographer as a young boy back in the late 1930's/early 1940's. He used old Box Brownies, Brownies, and a 120 roll film Voightlander with a concertina fold out lens. After I had used a number of small plastic cameras, it would be this Voightlander loaded with black & white film that would have me hooked!
By the early 1970's my father had invested in a 35mm system based around the "lightweight" Nikkormat body, and become hooked on Kodachrome transparency film. I followed him in the late 1970's with the purchase of a Nikon FM and gradually, a collection of lenses to give me some versatility in handling a variety of subject matter. I gradually developed a good eye for a photograph, and joined a local camera club in the early 1980's. The rest, as they say, is history!
Today I remain an enthusiastic photographer working almost exclusively in the digital medium, but with a grounding in unforgiving colour transparency film, my approach is very much to "get it right in camera", and I like to keep post processing to an absolute minimum.
I have a strong love of landscapes, both colour and monochrome, but I enjoy a variety of other subject matters and genres.
All my images are protected internationally by copyright law, and images may not be copied or reproduced in any fashion without my written permission.
I hope you enjoy my journal entries, and remember: it's not just about the subject, it's about the light falling on the subject!
Geoff Smith
May 21st, 2014 Nature's Carpet
May 20th, 2014 Japanese Maple
May 19th, 2014 MONOMONDAY: Entrances and Exits
May 18th, 2014 Rocks & Piers
May 17th, 2014 CeilingDecoration
May 16th, 2014 Lyndal & Ian
May 15th, 2014 West End Ferry Terminals
May 14th, 2014 Just a little more Autumn
May 13th, 2014 Red on Grey