Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia


Hammocks are a big part of Cambodian life. They are everywhere. This man was not posing for this picture In fact he had no idea I had even taken it as he was so soundly asleep! ( I did speak to him after and ask if it was OK to keep his picture)What I love about the hammocks is that at about 11 o clock every morning Cambodia goes very quiet and you find that hammocks have been slung up anywhere they can be and people are relaxing in them. It really is the quietest time of day . Cambodia is a very noisy country and everyone gets up and gets going anytime from 4am onwards so by 11 it's time for a rest!Babies are rocked in them at home and you often see them slung across the stalls at the market so that Mum can get on with selling whatever whilst the baby sleeps.Lorry drivers and bus drivers fix them up between their vehicles and convenient trees and you see them slung across scaffolding on building sites.Sick patients and women in labour are bought to the hospital in them fixed across a trailer being towed by a tractor. I think 1 of the nicest ways to enjoy a hammock is at a hammock bar or cafe. These are particularly popular at the side of the road or near to the river where you can stop, climb into a hammock and order a beer or fresh coconut juice straight from the shell

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