Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Street Artist

All this week the Dublin International Film Festival has been taking place and today |Mrs.Joesblips more or less insisted that we should go. She reckoned it would help relieve the gloom I have been feeling this past couple of days. Naturally she was right as always, so we went to see "Anton Chekov's The Duel". This is the full title of the movie. Watch out for it if it should come your way. I thoroughly enjoyed it and you probably will too. Far from being a plodding slow moving plot typical of Russian playrights, it was actually a wonderful exposition of the frailties and complexities of the human being. Excellent movie.

We were very late arriving in the city by train and literally had to gallop along the streets in order to get there in time for curtain up. Mad it with two minutes to spare. On the way up O'Connell Street, the main thoroughfare, I spotted this guy calmly sculpting a dog out of sand. What struck me was that he was miles off his usual pitch, so I grabbed just this one shot as we raced by. Very late in the day posting it, but better late than never.

Edit : For those of you who think this may be a cat, you may well be right. I assumed he was building a dog since that's all I have ever seen him do before but now that I look at it more closely, you may be right. It could well be a moggie.

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