
By dogwithnobrain

I See Them Bloom, For Me and you....

I wuz in da garden, lookin 4 da micez, cause im great huntr, an katchr ov all things lil. I came acros dis lil ting. it wuz yellow, an all alone.

Mah hooman also seen it at teh same tiem, an wuz jumpin round teh garden shoutin, "mommy nachur" has forgiven me.

I has no idea wut she wuz goin on bout, but when i trid 2 eat it, she went crazy.

So i went away an findz stick which wuz far moar interestin!


I was in the garden, looking for the mice, because I am a great hunter, and catcher, of all little things (big fat lie). I came across this little thing. It was yellow and all alone.

My Human, also seen it at the same time, and was jumping around the Garden shouting "Mother Nature has forgiven me".

I have no idea at all, what she was going on about, but when I tried to eat it, she went crazy. So I went away and found a stick, which was far more interesting.

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