
After having some industrial strength coffee and a bowl of proper porridge to keep him going Robb headed off for the station and thence his next gig tonight in...Southampton. In between a lot of emailing and data mining I had to return the hire car so took the opportunity to pop in to the allotment and dump the kitchen waste in the compost bin.

There was sunshine, blue sky and a hint of warmth in the air - and the crocuses certainly seem to have decided that it's spring. Found these in the depths of the back border. And the garlic that D planted back in November is sprouting vigourously; hurray! On the down side another glass panel had detatched itself from our semi-derelict greenhouse and smashed on the ground; I didn't have time for more than a cursory tidy up.

I also noticed that Leith Links has had a sudden eruption of crocus flowers. The weather's supposed to get a bit colder again over the weekend, but all these flowers are quite cheering.

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