Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

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Spent most of today prepping for a presentation in one of my classes. Involved watching a documentary on a maximum security prison, Morgan Spurlock's '30 Days' (the jail episode), and an episode of The Office (US) 'The Convict'. Somewhat depressing, but always interesting. Except for The Office. That's just hilarious.

Rest of the day checking YouTube for clips from 'Office Space', 'Oz', and 'Shawshank Redemption'. Oh, and reading journal article after journal article on prison rape. Yeah, that's my topic. For my 'Violence Against Women' class, I have to do a presentation on male victimization, specifically prison rape. And now, back to work!

The girl shut her journal. She rose from the grass and gathered her things. A new subject was required. A few minutes later, she spotted him. His trash bag was most likely full of clothing and his beard was scruffy and filthy. She was careful to keep out of his direct sight. She had found that others who were ignored by society could often see her. They usually didn't mind her camera, but she always tried to be careful. She had been hurt before.

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