Paris or Bust
Ok, let's get one thing straight about today: staying up till 4am chatting and drinking and celebrating our house purchase is enormous fun at the time, but not the best preparation for driving the length of France. Despite a faltering start to the day, we managed to get on the road just after 12 noon and are now north of Paris crammed into a teeny hotel room (Conor is delighted to be sharing my bef, I'm less delighted).
I'm aware from comments lately that my life is a bit of a mystery to many of you, house-wise. It is to me too. Bit of a summary then. We're moving to France. To afford that, we've sold our holiday home in France (which for many reasons didn't suit as a permanent home). The sale was much delayef when it turned out one of our garden paths was in fact a public road. We sold to the Buyers from Hell which brought its own difficulties. (In our defence, we didn't know they were from Hell when we agreed to sell to them; they said they were from Dijon and we accepted their word for it.)
We have just signed the purchase contract on our new house - containing the filthy blip view pictured yesterday. The final contract will be signed within the next three months hopefully. The house is a wreck so we'll be rentimg somewhere nearby to live in while the work is done. And as we want to get the kids settled in school as soon as we can, we'll start renting as soon as we can, before we own our new house.
All clear now?
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