Tick Tock
Things are all a bit up in the air at the moment in my life. Change is afoot, but I don't yet know what is changing. Not knowing where I'll be in a few months time is an odd combination of unsettling and exciting, though it is hard to be excited when you don't know what you have to be excited about.
Anyway, a combination of events kept me away from the blipmeet tonight, and meant I was at home when this little fella was discovered chewing a hole in my daughter's head. Mr B was on hand (with removal instructions quickly googled by me!) to deal with it, and all seems well. Now I'm trying to figure out when it found her: in school today? At my parents on Monday? In France last week? (Surely not!) Horrible. I feel itchy all over just looking at it. Anyway, ticks aside, a dull sorting things and not sorting things kind of day. Had the home report done on our house. Felt grumpy for no reason.
One good thing about the tick is that it was the final straw in persuading Katherine that a hair cut might be a good idea. I was always forced to have really short hair when I was a kid - precisely to make it easier to comb and look after. Hers is long, and I promised myself I would never make a kid have a haircut they didn't want, having put up with rubbish hair for so many years myself.
But the time has come: the morning fights are legendary, the knots in her hair are strong enough to support a suspension bridge. So, off to the hairdressers we go. I bet I cry more than her when I see those beautiful curls fall to the floor.
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