Hear no evil

Many years ago back in the late 80`s, my parents who would have then been their late 50`s early 60`s went half way round the world to visit relatives who lived in New Zealand.
On the way out there where two stop overs in India and Thailand. I think they should have spent a couple of days in each country but as Delhi airport was fogbound on departure, the only managed a 24 hr stop over in Thailand.
I think this little object must have been purchased in the airport gift shop.
They spent 5 weeks in NZ living with Dads` brother and family. If I remember rightly, my Aunt was so objectionable the stay wasn`t all it should have been and on their return to the UK, they hardly ever spoke to her again......what`s the saying
" you can chose your friends but not your family"
I am off to bed, feeling rough as my so kind and generous husband has passed on his cold to me
night night :-((

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