Joe's Blips

By joesblips

At Last!

At long last they have made their appearance. Yes, I know others have already blipped their crocuses, but these are ours! After weeks of the big snow and the even bigger freeze, followed by more weeks of rain and wind, at last the flowers have desided that it might just be safe to push out some colour.

The amazing thing is, they were not there at 8.30am when we headed off to the garage to get Mrs. Joesblip's car serviced. When we got back an hour later, lo and behold 8 of them had appeared. They obviously had a committee meeting while we were away and decided to surprise us.

Car has now been collected. My own one goes in next Wednesday for remedial work on the dashboard lights which suddenly decided yesterday that they were no longer going to bother lighting. No lights behind the instruments, the radio and the heater. Interesting in the dark, especially when one cannot see what speed the car is moving at. The mechanic, after a quick look, reckons it isn't serious. Just a matter of a loose wire. The problem is, which one and where is it? They will most likely dismantle the car, fail to find the problem and then not put everything back together again correctly. Oh! and don't forget the black oily handprints all over the seats!!

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