Wedding Rose

Have you ever pondered as to why it is that we humans collect so much pure utter stuff. I don't know about you but our house seems to be crammed with all sorts of things which have been kept for sentimental reasons. They are of course very rarely ever actually handled and only infrequently even noticed and yet we would be bereft if they ever went missing.
This rose is one such object in our collection of treasures. It is made of sugar icing or candy to those of my American friends and came from our wedding cake almost 4 years ago. It sits in a small cabinet which I made years ago and today was the first time it has been out of there since the nuptials. I notice that it is beginning to show its vintage with little bits crumbling off at the edges. I put it back where it came from and I guess it will remain there for a long time before it sees the light of day again.

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