
By Ubernoob

Bright Sparks on a Black Day

devastating day...luckily we again came thru it with minimal damage and all family members safe and well.

Went in to help and to check my sons (both ok) - both boys came with me to rescue my step daughter and her hubby who were unable to get out due to flooding and liquifaction...but by the time we managed to get to their place, they had thankfully already managed to get to safety!

As we waded thru knee deep sludge up their street these two wee bright sparks in their canoe were helping people by guiding them away from the deepest holes (some more than waist deep and dangerous to accidentally stumble into). I thought they made a nice bright image in an otherwise very black day, of youngsters getting out and helpig others!

ps. foto in my blipfolio of step-son-in-laws (boy thats a bit of a mouthful!) truck stuck and flooded in a hole in the middle of their street after he was trying to get his pregnant wife to safety

Our thoughts and prayers to everyone in the Christchurch area.

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