
By heraldino

Dwelling I

Bad Irritating news: - Fat, stupid and dangerous

That would be the title of my biography on Rush Limbaugh. In times when we need to keep our global cool, he still cow tows to the American trailer trash with his venomous take on everything in the world. Who knows if he himself even believes what he's saying: he just rakes in the money, made off the backs of people with IQ's so low it doesn't even register.

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Good news: - Deadly games

Oi, Alessandro; next time you'll know better than to dwiddle away on your PSP while walking the train platform. Glad you were rescued though, otherwise the video would've been rather gruesome. I can just hear all the people blaming the makers of the game console instead of the oblivious parents or distracted boy.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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