simple moments

By simplemoments

cotton candy what this reminds me of.

it's round - and fluffy - and on a stick - and looks as though you could just pull it off and plop it in your mouth... except it was growing out in the wild... and i've no idea what it is. i know for sure it is not cotton candy!

but doesn't it sort of make your mouth water for that sugary stuff? watching it gather as it's spun around and around gathering speed on a paper cone, knowing it will melt in your mouth?

can you tell i'm ready for warmer temps? i'm getting spoiled by the teasing we've had the last couple of days with our weather... being able to wear only a sweater - freedom for my tootsies... glorious sun, just the wind whipping furiously stinging my eyes with grit whilst trying to get a steady shot off... reminding me a front is moving in. but i got my pic - and my day dream of the sweet stuff...

happy day.....

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