Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Don't Like This

Driving round Carlsberg, I drove down to a carpark underneath the bridge I drive over every morning, so.....because I like a little light trail from time to time and, basically 'cos I'm back at work, we have a night shot..... again.

With no clear instructions from the doctor ("You decide") I went back to work today and think it might have been a bad idea. Things are fine for a few hours but rapidly go down hill in terms of comfort and energy - this is hard to explain to a colleague who is basicaly thinking - "you turned up, you can do your job".


Early night folks, sorry if I appear slack on comments but everything seems a chore at the moment. Will be looking avidly, of course, but probably on my iPod, which is a bugger to type on.

Taken in the Carlsberg Grounds

To really see what tadpole means you have to go large.

....but there is a train with no wheels:-)

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