
By Appreciation

Increasing Circles

What a miserable grey, wet day. Who is it that thinks February is a good time to give the kids a week off school? It's cold, dark, wet, and horrid. I decided the day couldn't get any worse so I'd risk taking them out to see their Grandparents. We don't do this often enough as a family. Mainly because my boy doesn't always cope well with his Grandad. He loves him dearly, he just isn't sure what to make of him just now.

We laughed about my Dad's team and their eventual three in a row wins, about how they would be looking to secure a place in Europe next. We laughed about how old and knackered some of my mother's beloved kitchen utensils are. A glass of something forbidden in the Esso petrol station glass mugs is a must. We considered why biscuits for breakfast are not the best way to start the day and settled for cereal, banana, tea, toast and mamalade instead.

My jobs today were the usual array of paperwork, shopping, cooking and a little light window frame scrubbing. My mother had found a new type of cleaner, recommended in some paper or other, just the job for her dirty window frames. Fabulous - my hands smell of chemicals and my nails feel brittle.

Scrubbing away at them back home I enjoyed the patterns made by the water. I took far too many shots, none of any merit. Then this, I love it's almost perfect circles. Some may say they are ever decreasing!

Holiday ritual movie nights, we've seen Alice, and The Secret Life of Bees and tonights treat is The Social Network. More chocolate anyone?

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