
By Poppy

Ollie the Legless!

Lovely bright day and since I'm going to be at work for the next couple of days and won't see much daylight, I decided to make the most of it. The days are lengthening, and the nights and mornings are getting a wee bit lighter, but there is a way to go yet!

Haven't blipped Ollie for a while, so here he is, hurtling up the field!

Further to the vegetarian haggis saga that seems to be ongoing, it contains:-
Red Lentils
Kidney Beans

I shall let you know what the husband makes of it! He's been getting fillet steak and chips while staying at his mother's last week, so it will be a bit of a come down for him.

Hope everyone is coping with what is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Get out and enjoy as much sun and fresh air as you can then come in and have a big glass of red wine!

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