All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

All Tumbled Out

Ethan & I met up with my friend Jo and her 2 wee boys at Tumblezone today. Even though our maternity leaves overlapped for several months, it's the first time we've managed to co-ordinate meeting up since April! The boys had a blast charging round the soft play areas. Ethan gets more and more confident each time he goes there. Today he decided he was quite capable of going down the slides all by himself thank you very much. He would crawl across the soft play section to the top, turn around backwards as though he was about to go down the stairs and .... whee ... off he'd go, whizzing down the slide on his tummy .... arriving at the bottom with a huge grin on his face!

We then decanted to McArthur Glen for a bit of retail therapy. The boys were all so worn out they all fell asleep in their pushchairs, leaving us mummies to look at important things like Radley handbags, in peace.

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