Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Guava Green

is the new colour for the downstairs loo! There was no escape today -it was raining and miserable right up till sunset. So Mr LIF set about painting the ensuite while I concentrated on the downstairs loo.

Guava green it said on the tin. I pondered as I am not sure I have ever seen a whole guava. I have eaten guavas as a child. While normal people were being fed tinned peaches, I was given tinned gauvas - my parents had spent some time in South Africa with me as a small child and I guess I must have given them some indication I liked them! However, my memory is of a very bright pink fruit not a green one, so I guess its the skins which must be green

Anyhoo - painting downstairs loos is a pain. More cutting in and reaching into awkward corners than you can point a stick at. Arms and legs knackered!!!

Its looking quite nice now though :) Fresher and cleaner

Time for a small wine and then a spot of Top Gear and bed!

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