Dear Heart

By dearheart

The Three Sisters

Dear Heart,
I woke up with the most horrible headache, and have been curled up in bed all day. There were an awful lot of birds to keep me company though - magpies and sparrows and seagulls. Three seagulls, to be exact. They flirted with the roofs of the other houses and paraded in front of me for a full half an hour.
They reminded me of a story I was told when I was a little girl. It's a tale of three sisters who were turned into seagulls by their father, and spent the rest of their lives wailing over the ocean and haunting rock pools like paper ghosts. I can remember so little of it, but it strikes me as terribly sad whenever I see a seagull stealing chips off children or gazing at people through classroom windows. It also reminds me of my own two sisters, and how much I miss them.
Sadly, all I have to show of today is this picture of my peppery nose peeking out from my blanket.
Love, Lydia x

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