
By Poppy

Ponies' View

Spent the morning doing much needed housework and by lunchtime I was at screaming point so decided a walk in the fresh air was needed! Set off for an icy walk in the hailstones and sleet down to the beach. There was a beautiful rainbow, but it was coming and going, fading and brightening, and because of the weather my camera was round my neck inside my jacket. By the time I had got it out, the ruddy rainbow had faded again, so I tucked in back inside, whereon the blasted thing was bright and beautiful again!

This was all witnessed by Northern's man, who seemed to find the whole thing most amusing! Needless to say, the shots I did get, you could hardly see there was anything in the sky at all!

After the haily shower the sun came out and Ollie swam and chased bits of seaweed and plastic bottles like a mad dog and we had a good walk. The beach is completely changed after the recent gales, with great banks of seaweed, mostly kelp, washed up and lots of sand taken away.

Left Ollie warm and cosy at home and headed up to the ponies in the car. It's less than 3 miles away, on the other side of the village and you get a completely different perspective of the whole island. Unfortunately there are a lot of new houses going up at the moment, so I feel I should be out taking photos before it is changed for good. This is the view at the moment!

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