
. . . from Roseburn Park, where Scotland are currently being trounced by Wales in the Six Nations. Apparently it's still anybody's game at this stage. I rather like Murrayfield, it's a very distinctive structure, & looks interesting from the outside when the floodlights are on.

Today didn't go according to plan, not any plan. I was booked for a dive from Eyemouth with B, but that was blown out. B & I arranged to go shore diving instead but I got a tummy bug & couldn't go.

I ended up fiddling with my new phone, found a few useful apps amongst the thousands available. Got my diving log book up to date, the last entry being August last year & I've done a fair few since then - oops!

Went off to see an early showing of Black Swan with S. I was told it was terribly sinister but I thought it was funny, it just didn't get under my skin. The Black Swan dance scene was impressive though & beautiful music. Snatched this blip on the way home - not much noise from inside when I passed.

Final score 6-24, AmBioranMor was right :(

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