A Goldfinch
The early sunshine had retreated somewhat, behind puffy clouds, by the time I got out to the cabin.
I set up a tripod and using LiveView I tried a variety of settings. Mostly I just pointed at the bird feeders, as I was hoping to improve on my sharpness and exposures. But the majority of birds must have been full up, as there were only a few visitors.
As minutes went by, the sun was increasingly providing added back-lighting, and in the cabin it was hard to see the camera's screen to check focus.
Here is one of my favourite species, a Goldfinch. They are very friendly with each other and enjoy safety in numbers in flocks of up to ten at a time, if we are lucky. So far this year I have only seen six at once. Yesterday there were three feeding at the same time from the different openings.
But I am pleased with the colour and richness of the data in the RAW file, so all looks good, so far. Now I will go and play for myself and not for a Blip!
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