
By CleanSteve

A Kestrel comes to feed

The new lens was delivered this morning, but I had no time to even open the package before Pip arrived from his home in Bristol. We've known each other since we were teenagers growing up in Surrey in the mid-1960s. So whilst having coffee and chatting, I rigged the Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS and immediately started snapping away. I was elated, as I now could get my close-ups of Goldfinches, Blackcaps, Bullfinches and Long-tailed Tits which were all here visiting the bird-feeders.

We decided I would cook a lunch of veggie sausages, beans, scrambled eggs and toast and marmalade, before going for a walk. As we talked, we were looking at the small Rhus tree from which the bird feeders hang, and checking and discussing all the visiting birds. I had my camera focused tight on one of the feeders. Suddenly a large pair of wings flew into view from the left, and banked hard as a Kestrel tried to pick off one of the many birds there. It turned in an extremely tight circle around the hanging feeders, and the tree, but seemed to miss all the birds and then it flew straight back to the sycamore at the bottom of the garden. That was the last we saw of it.

I have never seen a Kestrel in the garden, let alone one in flight attacking or hunting other birds. We were elated, seeing such dynamic action from only about 10 yards away. I had no time to take a picture, sadly. But it made our day.

We went up onto Rodborough Common and walked gently across the hilltop to see the views across the Severn Vale, with the tidal river in the distance. I always like being with Pip, when we can walk together and discus the landscape and it's flora and fauna which is so abundant and varied hereabouts.

Pip left after a cup of tea and as I said goodbye from the front garden, the sun was setting. I noticed our Purple Hellebore flowers being stroked by the late, thin light from the setting sun in the west. This is my first blip with my new set-up. I have a lot to learn but know I will enjoy exploring its potential. At least this is colourful.

Marcus Moore, the Flying Poet whom I drove last Saturday, has just sent me the link to his heartfelt Blog. In it he reflects on many issues raised this week, as we try to fight the cuts to all our Libraries.

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