All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

These are funny looking tree trunks!

Today Ethan & I drove through to Glasgow to meet up with Hoppy Daze and Kerr at Kelvingrove Museum. Last time I went there I was a 17 year old on a date so a lot has changed since then! Somehow, even with the help of sat nav I still managed to get a bit confused and initially parked at completely the wrong end of the road. Finally made it there albeit 1/2 hour late. Ooops!

I've only met Hoppy Daze once before at a blipmummies meet last year. It was lovely to meet her again and see the gorgeous Kerr running around. As I said to her, I've seen him so often on blip I feel like I've met him many times before. We had lunch there too and our boys proceeded to make a right mess between them, with much of their food ending up on the floor!

I stopped off at The Fort on the way home for a bit of shopping - Ethan fell asleep in the car just before I got there, carried on sleeping when I transferred him to the pushchair and slept for nearly 2 hours!

This evening I left hubbie in charge of Ethan's bath and bed while I nipped out to get an eyebrow wax. Part of my transformation back to the world of work ... start doing that on a regular basis again!

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