
By Appreciation

Headed Off

What a most furstrating day. Headed off at the pass on almost everything I attempted - except light domestics, sadly.

I thought about a trip to the allotment, but when I got there the recent snow had made the soil far to wet to consider any digging.

I though I might measure up and make a start on the cold frames. Checked the wood and needed a few bits from my mega warehouse. Fantastic, a trip round heaven and a look at that wonderful station I blipped in the stormy sky. My allotment partner was free and wanted to come. That meant no train trip. Whilst I can whip her into a frenzy over sweetcorn, raddish and beans, sadly I can't do the same about wood or photographs and angles.

I have had wood cut from this shop before but today they said it 'was a health and safety issue madam and I would have to take the wood uncut'. It doesn't fit into my little Fiat so I will need to wait till the weekend and the bigger car becomes available.

Came home and Mum phoned to say she might pop in. I wanted to say no, but always feel guilty about her tough times, so suggested that would be great. An hour later she phoned again to say she wouldn't bother she was exhausted.

No time left to go find a nice blip. I had thought of shooting in black and white to see what effects I could get. Wasn't feeling inspired so I laid out some chevrons. Funny how your mind leads you to where it's at. I was unimpressed but played a bit with the contrast, brightness and highlights and liked the angles and optical effect of this shot.

No time to make the banana cake I'm keen to try before my girl returns so I shall have to make do with a scone, straight from the oven, hot with butter and jam. Now that could make up for almost anything.

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