GAD's 365


Tough life....

Life can be pretty tough sometimes......

Luckily today was not one of those times. Well unless you count my hideous sunburn, but you shouldn't as that was entirely my own doing. I also got a bad neck from sitting in the same position too long reading a book. I never knew it was such a dangerous sport.

Not a huge amount else to report today as we have deliberately done very little, just as it should be.

Feels like our honeymoon is winding to a close, though we do still have another two full days plus a near full day on Friday before we head home. On the bright side Becci and I both agreed that it would be nice to see our two cats again.

They're probably hungry as we haven't been home for since January 28th.*

*That last bit was a joke Mr RSPCA. We have a cat sitter who spends ages with them each day. She is absolute star and spoils them rotten. In fact I think our cats will probably be quite disappointed when we finally return.

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