Looking forward to IPv6 Day....
....I sept late this morning, I'm not sure why. I didn't have too much to drink; two glasses of Weihenstephaner in the Vicky Bar hardly constitutes a session. Nor was I in bed particularly late; before midnight I reckon. A slow, pleasant evening; collected Nancy from Uni before catching an early showing of the The King's Speech at the picture hoose. Then to Vicky Bar for a chat. My sleep was temporarily interrupted by Sparky booting me in the face for food at 6.30am, but I was quickly asleep again and didn't stir until 9.30am. Great.
Work in the afternoon. I'm off to London for most of the week and last week was far from quiet, so I needed to clear the decks or it would be just awful with urgent chasers.
After work, Nancy and Owen, who had been to cousin Jacob's birfday perty, collected me and we had a pleasant family afternoon.
Tonight, a mountain of ironing awaits, but I don't mind, I quite enjoy it.
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