A wee while ago, the lovely Mr. Red made the comment that over here, we get "proper snow!" ...... yup, he's dead right.....and i'm getting proper fed up with all :)

This is what i want....

But with at least 2 more months (or maybe more!) of this white stuff....i guess i should try harder to be in awe of such an amazing white landscape.....there are many times i find it all quite beautiful! Today not so much.....it's been snowing off and on all day....and i've actually had a lovely time. I've cleared out a desk in my office - it really was just a dumping place - to make room for my paints and sketch book! i'm feeling the urge to start painting again! i think i've already said this, and perhaps i should stop saying it and just either get on with it or shut up!!! I'm very inspired by a book i'm reading... "Colour" Exploring the Paintbox, by Victoria Finlay.....she travels all over the world investigating where paint originated! for example, ochre was the first paint to be used....40,000 years ago, in Australia! didn't know that! anyway, she's a good writer and it's full of amazing history of the making of paint, i'm loving it. Plus, it's colour....not black and white!!!

hope everyone had a good weekend!

And here's my pick for Sub sunday....A Spanish Life...

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