Stormy Ash

The storm continues, wet and windy. After gym and swim work in the freezing kitchen, full of draughts. Outside the ash sways and waves in the wind. I wish it wasn't there, by June the kitchen will be dark, all day. Collaborate with L on the report and agree Glasgow next week. Discover I've been lied to - not a big one in the grand scales but it makes me really angry because it makes me a feel a gullible idiot, which I am. Much yelling and shouting ensues - won't make any difference. Wasted trip to the bank, the first one is closed, the second one can't accept the cheque. So I return drenched from a trip across the Meadows. A friend comes by unexpectedly and cheers me up. Mackerel for tea - supporting the Great Fish Fight. Life must go on, especially mine.

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