Fair drawing oot

Those of you who know me know I lead this hectic, burning candle at both ends, never stop, never sit down, life. This was a week-end when I knew I would have to recharge my batteries before I explode.

It was lovely lying in bed this morning, and into early afternoon, knowing I didn't have to get up and go out, anywhere. Bliss. I had planned to take the rubbish out - but I didn't and it lies piled up on the landing. Maybe tomorrow.

Not that I did nothing, you understand. I ordered the fridge and micro for elsewhere, did some painting, touching up and doing the bits that T and J missed. In between I phoned friend M in Inverurie , who, I'm glad to say, probably hasn't had a minor stroke (he's a baby compared to me), talked to Dyson, twice, about my problem (think I may have the wrong kind of carpet) and washed the kitchen, bathroom and hall floors which were manky. Spotted a few more bits of damage on the kitchen vinyl form the shards of glass when the cabinet came down, but hey ho. Oh, and I made broth.

I didn't watch the rubgy - we lost and it didn't snow. Hey, it's February, it snows, get over it!

When I looked out the window westwards at 5.40 there was still the last vestiges of light in the sky - the nights are fair drawing oot. Most of the shots I took were in colour but somehow I think this black and white one works best - kind of a film noir treatment and what it would have looked like if I'd 'blipped' 50 years ago when I was at school round the corner. And is that Rebus?, well he did live round the OTHER corner.

Now Merlot and M's family tree await.

Edit: I watched 'Top Gear', 2 years ago since I saw them live in Jo'burg.

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