All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and Baby Bump

Granny and Aunty Foreveryoung stayed the night with us last night. None of us had a great nights sleep though .... apart from Ethan who slept from 7.30pm till 8.15am!!! He did cry out several times from 4am onwards and each time I thought he was waking, but nope, he settled again and slept and slept and slept! I have to say, I'm loving the fact his sleep has improved so much since we got back from our holidays!

Ethan & I took Granny along to Bounce & Tickle in East Calder today as she has never been before. It was very busy and he had great fun crawling around and being sociable.

Granny went home at lunchtime and shortly afterwards Foreveryoung managed to get Ethan to sleep for an hour on the sofa. He started off snuggled up to her, so this is a photo of him with her baby bump. We even managed to move him into lots of different positions with her bump but it was hard to get a photo which showed off both really well.

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