Dear Heart

By dearheart

Tentmakers, Minstrels and dreaming of Juliet

Dear Heart,
Sian says that when something has been put on your heart, it sits there for a reason. The Tentmaker was so lovely, but it made me ache for it to be me up there. It looks so silly written down. But she's made me rally, and I'm learning Juliet off by heart for Sunday. I'm going to try my very best to be brave. I've never wanted anything so much before. It's terrifying.
But there He is, winking at me through the clouds.
I'm ever so tired, and Fridays always mean horrible horrible Cult Crit seminars. But I can't sleep before remembering the Minstrel-eating antics of tonight, and learning about the Drama Game (I will tell you all about it one day) and watching silly things on YouTube. I think you would have liked it...
Love, Lydia x

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