Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Moss Up Close

Confined to the house today and it was not really a day for venturing too far. Winds and rain battering on the windows and the lights are a flickering :)

In the name of blip I DID venture out for 5 mins to the garden and took some snaps of the primula (rubbish), clematis seed head (ditto), pussy willows (ditto) so you have the best of a bad bunch (the alternative was, guess what??)

When we moved to this house, the previous owner was a lady what lunched and lounged in the garden. No flowers or shrubs troubled the area. The patio was jet washed within an inch of its life. Goodness knows what she would make of this moss which I have allowed to grow and cover the faux cotswold stone bricks whick make up a wall. I was quite surprised how long and varied the moss was. Guess I would get the same surprise if I viewed my winter legs this close!

Oh and no work tomorrow :) Result :)

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