
Friday night and a lazy old blip. I went to the dentist to get the filling repaired. A huge old 1970's amalgam one which has probably been addling my brain for decades. I have several of them. The dentist in my home town at the time was renowned for them. Drill deeper and wider was his motto. I later learnt that the smell of cloves which pervaded his surgery was to cover the smell of alcohol. I was a child, I had no say in the matter :D

So, on the plus side I can now chew on the right side of my mouth. The down side? I have a niggling pain on my upper left incisor. That was not there when I went to the dentist this morning. I have a feeling that its down to the dental assistant who seemed to think the slaver (Scottish word) extractor was an industrial hoover and was intent in getting into every nook and cranny (more Scottish words). I consider myself lucky to have escaped with my tongue intact!

Sensodyne will sort it :D

And its the weekend and my boy is home and they didn't even do the crocodiles in Texas....I must let the insurance lady know

Have a fab weekend blippers x

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