Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

What Am I !

"The best laid schemes o'mice , and men gang aft agley ."

This quote describes my day perfectly. The bad weather was forecast for late afternoon and the morning began with glorious sunshine so I reckoned I could fit in my planned visit to St Conan's ( on the plans for the last few days) . By the time I had breakfast the skies clouded over and it looked as if the forecast was wrong. So tht plan was ditched.

Instead took Oscar up the Leaccain Walk for a real work out. This part of the day was wonderful , a bracing wind , the sound of the mountain streams rushing over the rocks , eveen the occasional bird singing n the woods. The sun came back out and the scene lit up all the way down the Loch. ..... but no camera with me.

On the way back down I spotted an amazing looking brain like fungus growing on the rough road / pathway....but of course no camera.

Back home I left Oscar in the house and took the bag and tripod but checked I had everything needed before I left as I had gone to Glencoe without a vital piece of equipment last week !!! Learned my lesson well.

I hurried back up the hill and the rain came down in torrents. Was anything going to work out today ? Sheltered under some trees till the worst of it had gone then moved onwards and upwards. Got there just as a friend was walking his dog down towards my prize fungus. Got to the fungus before he and his dog did and stood protectively over it. WE both examined it , the dog stayed away from it. Neither of us recognised it.

Set up the tripod and was just about to get a shot when I heard a car engine coming up the track . There is only one person goes up here , normally first thing in the morning for his paper. Turned out it was a" townie" garage person returning the car and he was not amused at me being in the middle of this track. Probably not happy about driving up a steep single track road. Ayway Mr grumpy , after moaning at me for being there demanded directions to the house in the woods. All the time I was more worried that my prize fungus would get crushed under the car wheels.

Finally I managed to get a few shots before the rain came down in torrents again . Got home muddy and very wet. Should have worn my waterproofs.

So here is the result of all my anguish. If you know what it is I would love to know. It looks similar to yellow brain fungus which grows on dead tree trunks and limbs, although much less colourful.

No more plans , have decided to take each day as it comes , and yes the bad weather has come in and it's blowing a howling gale outside with masive white horses on the loch.s

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