Dark Waters
Monochrome day, did get a few minutes of sun this afternoon that lured us to the bottle bank to get rid of the empties......not much for a Blip but noticed the Environment Agency are getting ready to clean out our stream. The water level today is about a foot (30cm) above normal, last June it topped the bank here at the bottom of our garden and flooded about 20 houses at the other end of the village.
The problem was lack of maintenance of the stream bed, it used to be the landowners' responsibility but a fair number of years ago it became the responsibility of the EA - just they haven't the money or resources to look after every stream in the country. The uproar from this flood was pretty strong especially as those houses flooded were in an area with a flood risk of less than 0.1% according to the EA!!!
The water here was over six feet (2 metres) deep that night and probably doing 20 mph - scary.
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