The Top Dog

Captured another street scene from Lincoln today carrying on from yesterday. However to also satisfy that whole 'childhood places' thing I've blipped somewhere with very strong memories as well.

Top Dog Grooming parlour is where my ex Kelly worked and where my friends Lee and Jackie worked. Actually thats not strictly true, only Jackie worked there. When I got back together with Kel in 2001 I began to stay with her above the shop here, and soon after Lee moved to Lincoln from Rotherham. For around a year we all lived 'happily' in this house. Kelly and I had the one tiny window at the top of the house, the closed one on the right. The open one on the left was our smoking room.

I'm not going to lie to you, I've not always been an angel and from 2001-2003 I was a fucking shitload bit wayward. We spent many weekends wide awake in those rooms with trance (I know, don't judge me. The music fitted the poison perfectly) banging out endlessly. Personally I always liked euphoric trance such as this little gem.

Once a mate of mine climbed from that tiny open window down to the street below because he dropped a joint and thought the Asylum Seekers across the road would get it if he didn't keep an eye on it. That resulted in six stitches, although the joint was saved.

Next door there was a chippy, and we used to make them deliver!! We'd sit in the kitchen at the back of our place and order chips to be delivered to the back door. The guy owning it was a wreckhead to so it made perfect sense. He'd lean across the alleyway and pass them to us.

This all came to an end in 2003, but this grotty little area of Monks Road will alays hold a little place in my heart. Jackie (or Clean as I call her, because she was like Monica from Friends always cleaning. Plus Jackie is short for Jacqueline, take the Jack and your left with the Clean) still works here but Kelly quit after 11 years at christmas.

I had a few texts from Kel earlier, shes found loads of my stuff and we've arranged to meet up and swap it over. It always hurts me because I still love her to pieces, not in a relationship way, just as a person. The way I hurt her back in 2007 will haunt me forever, despite the fact she's made the peace. I can't make peace with myself (I didn't beat her up or anything, but cheated once and then just walked away) over what happened. I never will, my conciensce is too over powering.

Tomorrow: Something that doesn't start as a light hearted look at the past and end with me trying to pull the sympathy card. You should have no sympathy for me, I was a scumbag. I cheated, lied about it and then left her alone in the house while I 'shacked up' with a girl 12 years my junior (and her Mum, but only two of us shared a bed. At any one time). Then I rubbed her face in my false happiness before the little fantasy world I lived in crumbled away and I realised what I'd done. I don't regret letting Kel go, I regret doing it like a wanker.

Maybe I should just shoot macro, theres never a drawn out story with macro.

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