Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

Placenta talk- be warned!

This image got me thinking about placentas. When I had my first child the relief that he was alright after a tricky time meant I missed the opportunity to see the placenta. Then with baby 2 whilst in labour I asked to see it afterwards- true to her word the midwife held it up for me to see, with the sac membranes hanging down in a baby shaped form, much like voile curtains. The sac was a picture of beauty with the actual placenta a bit weird actually. A bit gorey but interesting all the same- wish I'd blipped that one! Number three was very quick (and I missed it again) and with number 4, it had gone somewhere before I got the chance for a peek, more concerned that my long-labour son was ok, and he was.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea (and I'm not a lover of blood particularly) but I fail to see how everyone isn't amazed by such an amazing piece of human engineering, what a wonderful organ- perhaps the most amazing? 

Anyhow, since I'm talking birth related gore I'm also intrigued by the telephone-cord like appearance of the umbilical cord. Have I gone too far? :)

So the image isn't anything birth or body related. Any guesses? 

<ok, I cheated, the background isn't really red>

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