The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

There Were Three In The Bed

Minions three and four were coming fo a sleepover tonight so after a bracing walk (hoping to tire them out- apparently it's not ok to drug children so we're having to find other ways of subduing them) we headed to Tesco for supplies. Tesco isn't usually a place I'm terribly fond of and with four under fives it adds an extra edge. By the time we get to the checkout I am red in the face, screaming like a banshee and swearing that from now on I will do all my shopping online and never set foot in another shop until they are at least sixteen. To be fair it didn't go too badly the only real trauma was when Minion number one dropped a jar of pasta sauce and turned aisle three into something resembling a particularly gory episode of CSI.

Each of Satans Minions got to make their own pizza, which went down well. Though Minion number three didn't feel the need to cook his and just got tucked into the raw base. He was most unimpressed when I confiscated it and actually ate more of the uncooked base than he did of the end product.

After a slightly rioutous bath (aquatic mammals could have survived nicely on our bathroom floor) it was off to bed. They were all passed out by nine o'clock and didn't stir again for the rest of the night. All in all not a bad result.

This is Minion number two practicing her touch typing.

Quote of the day: "I absolutely have been well enough behaved to get pick n mix" Minion number one. Her idea of well behved and mine are poles apart.

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