
By shy

The missing bit

For some time I has always thought there is something missing (no relation) in my photography. I have the cameras and the lenses and the tripods and filters and memory cards etc. I have a computer and bits of software and storage media, in fact everything I need to take good pictures to the best standard I'm capable of. I have a library of thousands of images that I've taken over a period of 11 months.

I realised recently that the missing bit was actual photographs - those old-fashioned things printed on photographic paper, allowing you to look at the image without the aid of a computer. Something tangible to pin up on the wall, or put in albums or put in frames and give as gifts.

Last weekend we bought a printer, and I discovered the joy of being able to hold one of my photographs. I now feel whole. It's sitting on the office notice-board at the moment so that I can look up and remind myself why I do photography.

I'm looking forward to going home later, and perhaps printing out a few more - perhaps even put some in frames.

The picture in this picture is
this picture, btw.

Have a good weekend everyone - I certainly will.

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