Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


As you may know from my blips, my two older sons are wrestlers. Z also plays American football, E plays inline hockey, all my children play soccer (football).
My father always encouraged me in sports but I was a shy child and not very tough. Over time I have become tougher and now at age 50 feel that I am a very athletic person. I am glad to see my children develop the discipline and self confidence that comes from athletics. I and their mother (Dr P) do worry about them being injured, I also worry about them psychologically being overfaced, but I have never pushed them. All of their athletic endeavors have been by their choice and by their will.

This Wednesday evening Skyline wrestled Warren County. Until this year they were one school so many of the lads had trained together last season.

Z is a sophomore and he wrestled a senior with 300 matches under his belt. Z is very strong but strength and conditioning is only part of wrestling. Experience is the game.

This is not Z's match, I didn't have the heart to take photos of my son being pinned, God knows I was pinned enough as a weannie ass wrestler in high school. Z is 100 times the wrestler I ever was.

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