alice's adventures

By aliceblips

three little ducks went out one day

Two out of my three boys talk about growing up and flying the nest a little too often. They talk about who they will be, what they will do and where they will go. They are beautifully sure of all their plans.

Orlando wants a job so as he can do computers all day long. He is going to be a helicopter driver and a motorbiker too. He also revealed to me today (whilst trying my high heels on) that he wants to be a Dad who wears high heels to parties. Now that could be interesting.

Finlay is going to have a big flat in a big city with his friend Joey and they are going to have a state-of-the-art entertainment system wired into every room and a massive fish tank as a dividing wall. They are going to stay up late most of the time.

My man in the middle says he is never leaving. Even if he does go on any adventures in his adult life he's taking me with him. He doesn't understand why anyone would ever leave home.

They keep asking me how long ago I was a teenager and they try and landmark it with events they can remember. It's a bit further back than that but still very much alive in my mind.

I loved being a teenager.

I long to know what they will be like when they grow up, but I just don't want it to happen too soon.

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